Credits and Copyright Information


The project is headed by the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin within the frame of an agreement with the Ente Provincia of Florence, which is the owner of the garden of Pratolino. The Architect Luigi Ulivieri of the Ente Provincia of Florence is credited with the finally launching this project.

Funding is provided by the Ente Provincia, and by the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and, in addition, by the Cooperation Research Center (CRC) 644 - Transformations of Antiquity. The Moreniana and Riccardiana libraries in Florence and the library of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science are partners of the project.

Dirk Wintergruen, Robert Casties, Malcolm D. Hyman and Julia Damerow from the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science created, updated and maintained the virtual environment, realized in the spirit of an open access policy, upon which this web presentation is based. Julia Damerow moreover produced the creative graphical work, and organized the image repositories and related databases. Simone Rieger, coordinator of the ECHO Project supported this work by creating a special section of ECHO's digital library that is dedicated to the history of the Pratolino Garden. Georg Toepfer from the Humboldt University of Berlin supported the establishment of the institutional frame of the project. Lindy Divarci corrected the English texts. Tom Werner supported the biographical work. Monika Liedtke supported the organization of the research trips.

This project is part of the research work accomplished in the frame of the interdisciplinary project CRC 644 - "Transformations of Antiquity."

The author of the project is Matteo Valleriani.



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